Week 4 Progress Roundup

Cover Image for Week 4 Progress Roundup
Mariessa Pinto
Mariessa Pinto

After some final revisions, the hi-fi prototype is on it's way to being complete. The team continues to progress and has started development.

The team consulted again with Henry Leung on October 10th to discuss progress. The hi-fi design was reviewed and the use of atoms, molecules and organisms was discussed and clarified. These are the components of the design used to build upon eachother and form the final pages. A discussion was had about the use of a graph with numbers. The design team decided to not use numbers but rather use a emotion ring to illustrate the users overall emotions to avoid the unneccesary or over complication of the review page.

As for the developers, after some research, the decision was made to run with the Eden sentiment analysis. As front-end developers, the learning curve is high to work with the back-end portion of the app to get it functioning. The team decided to look into Azure as well as AWS for cloud server usage.

After the consultation, the team's next steps were as follows:

  • Finalize the hi-fi design and add low priority pages
  • Begin development to ensure we have pages and navigation by the midterm presentation
  • Illustrate all assets
  • Begin designing the web supplement
  • Begin bringing AI into the project and implementing a cloud based computing solution.

The team's objectives for the following week are as follows:


Finalize hi-fi prototype and add low priority pages

  • Led by Glenda

Start the web supplement design

  • Led by Kyle

Illustrate graphical assets for the app

  • Led by Lauryn


Code atoms and molecules

  • Led by Anika

Get Eden sentiment analysis running

  • Led by Anika

Implement navigation bar on all pages and font scaling

  • Led by Patricia

Code pages

  • Led by Bri and Mariessa

Our work is starting to come together with a finalized prototype and the beginning of coding! Tune back in next week for our next update.