Week 6 Progress Roundup

Cover Image for Week 6 Progress Roundup
Bri-lynn Guemos
Bri-lynn Guemos

It's the week after our prototype presentation and this week we focused on our visual story presentation for our ad that we are developing for InnerSight! We all split up the scenes of our commercial and Lauryn put together our final story board while I completed the teams script for the presentation!

After feedback from Henry, we decided to focus on implementing one functionality per week to keep the development team on track.

The design team is focusing on our print projects such as business cards and the brochure, and then deciding on one other print project.

The team's objectives for the following week are as follows:


Complete mockups of our brochure and business card and decide on the third print project

  • Led by Glenda, assisted by Bri, Kyle and Lauryn


Code functionality

  • Mariessa, Patricia and Anika are all the main developers for functionality, Bri will assist when needed

Get Eden sentiment analysis running

  • Led by Anika, with assistance from Mariessa and Patricia

We are really excited about how the beginning stage of our app is looking after completing a coded prototype. Check back next week for our update on functionality!